General Staff Enquiry

General Staff Enquiry
We are always interested to hear from anyone who might be interested in working with us. As well as in the Garden Centre Shop, we also advertise vacancies on our web site ( where you can also find out more information about each job. If you want to let us know that you are interested in working at Henry Street please complete this form so that we know how to contact you if we have a job, which you might be interested in.
Please note you must be over 16 and have completed your GCSEs before we are able to consider you for employment.
For data protection reasons we will only retain your personal data for a maximum of 6 months (in paper or electronically) from the date of submission then they will be destroyed. If we have any vacancies, which we think you might be interested in we will contact you during this period. After 6 months you will need to complete a new enquiry form
Job Applications
Please complete the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
We store your data securely according to our privacy policy.